Can I add yet another “Best Post” from a mom?

Stumbled on this blog today because, frankly, Todd and I had a chat last night about the necessity to put (kidding here) some rum in Monkey Butt’s sippy cup.  Man he was being a poop.


This blog post is awesome and I actually got teared up reading it because she did such an amazing job talking to her son and I’m printing it off and saving it, because some day I KNOW I’ll be having this exact same talk with Bren.

I know teaching is a tough job and I totally respect it.  I also know that there are some things that we don’t need to freak out about.  Creativity and expression are just that… and little kids (boys and girls both) don’t need to be crushed any more than society is already trying.


The poster completely rocks.  I will clamber down off my soapbox now and get to the business of adding her to my blogroll.

*One final thought that has been pinging through my mind… I love the Blog-World.  There is some seriously damn-fine writing happening out here – voices that might not have been heard or been so accessible if this option weren’t available.  So I’m cheering for the Blog-world.

If this doesn’t sum it up, nothing does….

This is fantastic.  Bad Mommy Moments captures the pre- and post-child dilemma perfectly.

The other night my husband turned to me in bed and said, “We were really stupid before we had children.  What did we do with all that time?”

I couldn’t help but agree with him.  We are unanimous in our agreement of what we SHOULD have been doing (warning, TMI alert!)…

1) More sleep (seriously, this one’s at the top of my list – his might start differently)

2) More sex.  No small ears listening in?  No worries that mommy and daddy might freak out the six-year old?

3) More adventurous foods that don’t come on sticks, in wrappers, or out of a brightly printed, cartoon-infested container.

4) More sex, followed by more sleep.

5) A clean house.  Damn.  We were serious slobs.  WHAT did we do with all that time?????

6) MORE MOVIES.  In the theater.  Before they were so old the actors in them had gone on to direct because they “always wanted to direct.”

I’m sure there’s more, but I have to go wake up number 1 son and shower and eat breakfast and write up a couple facts about bucky balls and …

Well, you get the idea.

Enjoy Bad Mommy Moments.  She makes me laugh in a big way (because the alternative to is to cry into my bowl of Life cereal…)


One down, fourteen to go!

My grade on my final was posted – 220/250…  88%.   I was simultaneously thrilled and then, yep, the perfectionist showed up in me and I thought, “What?  How did I MISS 30 points???”

I know.

This glass is 88% full, not 12% empty!

So my final grade for the class was a 95.4% – firm A.


Today I am going to kick some serious class butt and get reading, module, and case study done.  I’m going to refocus and let what happens roll out.  There is nothing further I can do at this point.  The career position will either happen or it won’t.  I spoke to my big boss yesterday (since Mama Kel had spilled the beans about my interview Monday).  I explained the position, the opportunity and how, yes, it is time for me to move into a career position.

He was very gracious and told me to let him know if it doesn’t work out so we can look internally at the community college.  He also told me that if I were hired in that position to let him know so we could celebrate.  I am still smiling at that comment.  He’s a good guy.  I know he wants people to succeed, but I also know that he needs people around him who are strong enough to TELL him to delegate to them.  Maybe it’s just a case of him needing to truly believe he can count on people so he’d do it.  I’m not entirely sure because I haven’t worked in close proximity with him.

I do know that a few of us have been offering and he hasn’t taken us up on it, not to any deep degree.  I wish he could have know, without doubt, that we were not only ready and willing, but we were absolutely able.

I have to be patient until I have the final word on this other position, but once I know I can begin to make some new, concrete plans (that statement SO sums up how I am…).  If I’m not chosen, I’d like to talk to KW and see if he would be interested in doing some mentoring for me.  Every single person that I’ve talked to who knows him has amazing things to say about him.  Add to that the intuitive feeling I’ve gained through talking to him and the information I’ve gathered – this is a man who could help me to develop.  Is that a lot to ask?

Yes.  It is.  But I’m willing to do it because I feel strongly enough about it.  Talk about stepping outside of my comfort zone.  I hate overt, unwarranted presumption, but this man is a teacher and he truly loves mentoring.  I can only imagine how much I could learn from him.

Here’s the thing:  If I do end up working for him, I’ll be thrilled.  And this is beyond the company itself, which I think is great.  KW is someone that I can see aspiring to follow in his footsteps.  He has the people-ability AND the technology side.  He strives to develop all of his staff.  And I’d be willing to bet that he does that, where possible, for his students.

It’s time for me to get my day started.  My alarm will go off in a few moments and that will signal it’s time for me to get Aidan ready for gramma.  (He was a pill last night and would NOT go to sleep… oy)


I’ve had a decent night’s sleep and I’m regaining my footing for my classes.  I’ll regroup further today.  Distractions and detours are fine, especially in this instance.  But there are still firm responsibilities to be dealt with.  Oh… yeah.  Apparently my sense of humor has resurfaced and my appetite has diminished.  Also, the horrid headaches have finally given up the ghost.


If I hear today or tomorrow?  And it’s “Yes, we’d love to hire you.”  I will give my 2 weeks notice and start on my 40th birthday.  How is that for poetic?

I know I’m trying to reign in my expectations.  This is unknown territory for me…  The big boss giving me reinforcement and an alternative option?  Well, I won’t ignore that.

Cheers and Happy Thursday from the busy, messy desk of

Internal Tension

I can’t help it.  I’d love to say that I’m not concerned about how the personality test went, but the fact is that I keep wondering if it suggested to them that I’m a complete mess.

And I say this because I don’t know how the darned test works.  I do know that I answered it to the best of my ability – straight and honest (sometimes brutally).  There were sections where I wanted to argue with what they were asking me.

Then there’s the social scientist in me that wants to see the results and analyze how accurate I believe their assessment is/was at detecting who I am.  I want to question that ANY assessment can do it.

The practical part of me thinks that if the assessment results in my not being chosen and it is really that accurate, then I truly have to appreciate the company going that extra mile because I don’t want to be placed in a position where I’m unsuccessful.

The family just got home and I have a tired munchkin… so I’m done.


…or something like it

Just tweeted.  I twittered.  I was one with the tweets.

Yeah.  I know.  Time to eat – obviously the sugar-low is overtaking my brain.

For anyone who might be remotely interested, this is my Twitter address:

I am a lazy, lazy writer when it comes to it, but lately I’ve been feeling the urge to see how much I can convey in those short characters.  Actually, I’m a short character too.

I think I was successful today.  And for the record, my freshly starched cotton shirt (oooh) matches my jade green toenails.  I believe I may be hearing tones of “I feel pretty” drifting in from the background.  Actually, it’s not so much that I feel pretty or anything like that.  It’s more a case of feeling like I’m just perfectly me today.  I have my black, cat-eye glasses with the wee rhinestone chip in each corner.  I have lovely dark, over-dyed denim pants on, with my favorite black sandals.  I’m wearing my second favorite necklace – a circle with three stars (one for each of my guys) and on the back is etched, “Dreams come true.”  I have in my favorite silver hoops – smallish, but sturdy.

And as for why the necklace is my second favorite – My number one favorite is the sterling silver rectangle frame with the three hearts – for my three guys (yes, this is a theme).  Sweet Bren decided he was fascinated with it and broke the chain.  I still need to find a replacement chain for it and I will… in May.  I promise myself that.

But this is me and I am really happy with who I am.  I’m just glad that I’m finding ways to show it, all without having to follow what other people like….

I love a freshly pressed and starched cotton shirt….  I love blue jeans… dark, faded, soft, crisp… I love jeans, period.

I love my funky glasses and I love my simple silver jewelry.

I also happen to love my darn skull shirts and this last one is why I’m bummed about my weight.  So unfair.  Yes… I could attempt to replace them but it wouldn’t be the same…

Anyway.  I am a peaceful, happy woman this morning.  I got my “tweet on” and I’ve blogged.  Now it’s time for waking my remaining two guys – small fry is off to gramma and grampa’s house.  Then it’s time for a hot cuppa tea and a busy day at the office.

life is good


The Tipping Point

I can’t even begin to think how to blog this.  I’m at a point in my life where it may change drastically.  Will I look back on April 28th as that moment?  I don’t know.

I saw the hiring manager (KW) on campus today.  It was a nice surprise to see him.  He told me he’d be sending me a link for an assessment that I needed to complete – likes/dislikes profile type thing.

Later, I got a call from him that he’d sent the link and we chatted for a bit.  I thanked him again and told him that the meeting yesterday was an incredible experience for me.

So the assessment?  It was a personality profile.

I talked to my dad tonight – for about 45 minutes – and we talked about what all this means, how the timing is right, and how this is that moment for me to take that leap from the nest.  All the work… all the times when I questioned myself and wondered if I would EVER be a professional, or if I was destined to stay in positions that made me feel like I wasn’t living up to my full potential.

I am at a loss for words.  Those who know me would be shocked to hear me say it.  I don’t know what to say or write.  How do I convey the full impact of where I am at this moment.

I’ve worked front-line, support positions for most of the last 20 years.  I’ve learned a LOT.  I’ve studied.  I’ve experimented in labs… read… written… listened.

I HAVE paid my dues.  It is my time.  They may get the results of my personality test and decide I’m not for them.  I’m fine with that because I was brutally honest about who I am and what motivates me.  If I’m not a good fit, given who I am, then I don’t belong there.

That said… I believe I will be hearing positive news within a day or two.  My references are not only solid, but they are 100% backing me in my endeavors.  They will be impeccable.

I am at the tipping point – that moment when things are changed on a life scale.  The only thing that stuns me more than the fact that it’s happening is how out of the blue it happened.  I always thought I’d see it coming.  No.  I didn’t.  Apparently my time showed up in a quiet, sneaky way.  All the decisions I’ve made have been dead on and that includes working in my current spot.

I need to go to bed right now, but I will document the sequence of events that had to happen in order to come to this place.  One different decision in the last while and it wouldn’t have happened.  Doesn’t that just make you wonder?

No matter the outcome – I am proud of myself and all that I have done in my life.  I will stop selling myself short and I am going to find a renewed sense of my confidence in who I am and what I have to offer.

Cheers to all who have been with me through the documentation of this journey.  I promise – I will be sharing what lies ahead.  Perhaps my story will resonate with another person out there… you just never know.


Insomnia blog, edition number ?

A combination of rich and (sadly) salty food has me awake.  My head is stuffy too, so perhaps that’s contributing as well.

I have a nice mug of fresh water and I’m sitting here contemplating Kate Bush.  Why?  Well… I love her music and it just hit me that I haven’t listened to it in a while.  That’s a sad thing.

On another, unrelated, note:  My left thumb hurts.  I have no idea what I’ve done to it, but it hurts… in that possibly “jammed” way or maybe it’s the beginnings of other issues, things that I’d really rather not begin thinking about when I’m not even 40 *cough* yet.

So… here’s my poll for the morning/night:

(and be creative in your responses, ok?)

We’ve all heard this one before, but give it another shot…  If you could be any color crayon or paint, which one would it be and don’t say “Green” or “Black” – bah, boring – been there, done that.  And WHY would you be that color?

Me?  I’d be Japanese Maple, from the Martha Stewart collection (although I have no idea if she still has her paint out there or not).

Why?  Well…. it’s a beautiful, rich color… warm, passionate, evocative of those delicate Japanese Maple leaves, and yet it covers a wall really well.  It creates an inviting space and it comes off as more complex than a cold, blue-toned red.


My nose is still stuffy and my water is almost gone.  I wish I could open a window and let in some fresh air.  I wish that it would rain so I could listen to the sound of it filling up the night.  I kind of wish tomorrow would be sweater weather so I could have one last hurrah in my fluffy, pale blue sweater that I got from my mum.  I wish that I had flowers planted in our backyard so I could be cheered by them when my mood was blue.

I wish I had time to sew more.

I wish that I could drop about 25% of my body mass so I could fit into my fun clothes again.

I wish my house was tidy.


I don’t know if many of you have ever heard the theory that a person has to be a pretty good one if children and animals flock to them.  On a slightly related note, the company I interviewed with is “pet friendly.”  Now, I am, and always will be, a pet person.  I loved my kitties and Danny (goofball that he is) is a sweetheart.  It’s got to say something positive about a company if they will allow your good buddy to come to work with you.

It occurred to me later….  I should have asked:  So does that mean you’re kid friendly too?  I have a six year old who’d think he went to heaven if he could be around all that geeky-goodness.

I’m just sayin’.


I have finally cooled off and my water is done.  My nose is still stuffy, but there must be something blooming to keep me going like this.  Bed is calling.  Last night it felt so good to crawl under the covers and stretch out my toes.  My body did that cat-stretchy thing and I could almost hear my accumulated sore parts sigh.  Even remembering it now makes me feel fuzzy-headed and satisfied.

Tuesday is here.  I have reading, a case-study to continue with, a six year old to hang out with, and an office to watch over.  In a few short hours I will wake up our short guy and love on him a bit before I send him off to gramma’s house.

It’ll be a busy day, but I get big guy kisses…. little boy kisses… and somewhere in there is a hot cup of tea just waiting for me…

… it’s all good.  Trust me.

cheers – moonfire

Final thoughts before bed…

Had a lovely dinner with my guys tonight.  I had to talk to Todd a bit, in between juggling the needs of the little one and keeping the big one focused.  My current job is great for a parent.  It offers relative flexibility and a lot of independence, even if it is career suicide staying there.  It makes no use of my advanced skills and it offers next to no career path for me.

It certainly does nothing for my degree or long term goals.

But, again, I have to emphasize that it’s a good position for a mom – like me.

So I did what I’ve never done before…  I basically laid it all out for Todd.  I told him that I’ve always made decisions about work based on the needs of our family.  I’ve done what I’ve had to do in order to take care of us, even when it was tough.

I asked him if he was ok with this, knowing the possible impact.

He told me he supports me.

And that, folks, is a fantastic husband.  I’ve already taken on so much and, truth be told, I wouldn’t have taken on two classes right now, not if I’d seen this coming.

Still… I can do a good job and there is always that strong possibility that nothing will come of it.  I won’t recount what was said today, but I’m having a hard time dismissing my chances.  I’ve had strong interviews before – times when I came out sure of myself.  Today I walked out more confident than I walked in.

I’ve also decided, should it not happen, that I won’t go back to the status quo.  This has been an eye-opening experience for me, working through my past experience and skills.  How could I let so many of the things I learned go to waste??  The gentleman I interviewed with today said that’s life and it happens, but I realized today that I MISS the things I used to know.  I like working with databases and information flow.  The fact that it marries so well to the accounting information I’m learning and my CFE classes?  Well, that’s like an unexpected bonus.

I’ve had people think I was strange over the years… I do logic puzzles for the fun of it.  If life weren’t so short, I’d probably find a way to go back and study math, physics, chemistry, computer science and then I’d toss in philosophy, art, and dance.

I loved economics.  Actually, I still do.

I loved chemistry and think that organic is a bear, but exciting when it all comes together and you’re in the lab… even though I’ve forgotten so much that it’s all a distant rosy memory now.

I think that there are strange and elegant patterns all around us.  You just have to open up your mind and let them flow in.

I think that there are times, when you’ve mastered a skill or knowledge, that all of it slows down and becomes intuitive…  it’s a physical process, rather than an mental one…

So.  To have Todd say it’s ok, that he understands and he supports me if this should go a certain way?  Well, that’s a beautiful thing.  I know I talk about our boys all the time and sometimes I don’t say much about my honey.  I’d just like to share that it’s not because I don’t think about him or love on him or think he’s wonderful… it’s just that sometimes it’s as easy as breathing, as easy as those incredible patterns I see all around me…  it just is.

Cheers to all.  It’s time for bed.  I’ll read and regroup for my classes tomorrow.  I have a case study to address and Bren and I will be going for a cup ‘o tea with a dear friend tomorrow night.
