A bit of trivial information about me…

Mom. That’s the most important bit you need to know. I have two kids and two cats. I love reading, but life makes that sporadic sometimes. I love language and the trapping of interesting words into my lexicon.

I have my English degree, but I am far from being a grammarian. I also have a master’s degree in Public Administration because government management is SO much fun!  Ok, perhaps I’m exaggerating a little there.

I started this blog eons ago and then abandoned it as life took over.  Now I’m back, writing… thinking… and wondering why the hell I let this baby lapse.  Thankfully, the internet likes to hold on to artifacts and lo! I came back to find my blog sitting in static isolation.

A bit more about me, so you don’t get the wrong ideas.  I’m queer, liberal, and atheist.  I like to call this the “Idaho Trifecta” because DAMN, I could not be more of an outlier in this state.  Our family is about as multi-rainbow as you can get without the rainbows shooting out of our asses.  I am as likely to say Blessed Be as I am to say Merry Christmas.  I love people.  I’m an introvert.  I get tired and I definitely can get bitchy.

I am so glad to be back and plan to be much more involved than I was before I let this blog languish.  If you join me, be prepared.  I swear.  I’m opinionated.  I have lived through some hard times and some beautiful times and I will speak up when injustice happens.  I believe that true love exists and I have yet to find it.

That’s who I am now, in 2019.  It’s good to be back with my words.

Cheers, Moonfire

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