A Beautiful Start

It’s Saturday morning and I need to get started on my housework, but before I do, it’s time to jot down my first-week-thoughts before they drift off.

I was so freaking anxious last Sunday. I don’t deal well with unknowns and I can’t say that I’ve been very confident lately about my ability to assess things. Maybe I’m kind of an optimist, so I always try to see the best in what might be coming for me. That’s nice in a way, but can lead to feeling disappointed when my hopes are too much for reality.


So I was a ball of anxiety last Sunday. I went in Monday and it was… fantastic. It was mellow, but exciting. The guys are all that I had thought and more. The office is groovy and small and just right. I got to meet my boss’s wife and his adorable little daughter, with the name that I love. There are two kinds of beer on tap, an espresso maker, and stashes of candy and chocolate. The tech we work with is nifty and does amazing things.

And there is the work I will be doing, which will vary along a great spectrum from production items to keep our records tight and updated to marketing in the field and learning from A to Z about the business. I’ll be wearing so many different hats, but it’s not an overwhelming thought because each piece that I’ll be working with suits my diverse interests. I’ve been diving into the systems we are using and they are intuitive and easy to use. We’re pacing things out over periods of weeks instead of jumping in to all things at once and getting overwhelmed. My title went from Office Assistant to Office Administrator and I think that kind of says a lot about how things function in a small business. We can be responsive to change without being bogged down by extraneous processes. My boss likes to work in a collaborative manner, which is my preferred method, too. Communication is a big focus and acting with compassion and care is our emphasis since we’re small and can’t let things fester into something bad.

I’m excited when I head to work on my work days and I have enough breaks in the week to rest and also take care of private life things. It will ramp up over time and I’ll be working more, but I also know that my boss and our team understands when we have to take care of things in our lives. I know that it’s still work and there will be good and bad days, but I feel like the good will outweigh the bad when they come along and with a solid team we can accomplish a lot.

I feel immense gratitude that I took the chance to apply for this job because it feels like my work-home and I really needed that.

Time to rally my thoughts and motivation so I can get things cleaned up.

Happy Saturday!


Sunday Anxiety – Job Eve

About 5pm the anxiety started up. I’m heading in tomorrow and yes, I want this and think it will be a great fit, but right now all the unknowns (which I don’t do well with) are starting to hit. My stomach is upset, I’m jittery, I’m feeling it in my teeth, and I can’t focus. I think the things I experienced at my last position – not the couple of days with the one company in October – kind of traumatized me a bit. I lost a lot of my confidence and it’s not completely back. It doesn’t matter how much I try to remind myself that there were a whole slew of extenuating circumstances, I still feel like I just wasn’t good enough to do that job.

So here I am, worrying that I’m going to bomb or let them down and I haven’t even started the job yet. Hell, it’s day one and I have a ton to learn about their business, so nobody is going to expect me to be perfect right out the gate. I guess I just don’t have much faith in myself yet and that will take time to rebuild.

I’ve been cleaning, which helps a bit, but doesn’t fully take the edge off what I’m feeling. In fact, I’m not sure what I could do to really get this queasy feeling to tamp down. All I can do is hope that I’m able to sleep tonight, so I’m well-rested for tomorrow.

I just keep telling myself that they are nice people and it will all go well. It’s not rocket-science, after all. I’m an office assistant, not some high-level position with massive responsibility. So much of what I’m feeling is the messages I’m telling myself and that’s crazy.

Spicy Ginger and I wanted to have some grown-up time tonight but I just couldn’t get my head there. I’m too wound into all the unknowns and the what will tomorrow look like? I’ve been safe at home for the last 8 months and maybe that’s a part of it… that slight tinge of agoraphobia that is lingering in the back of my mind.

Ok. I have to get things done and I’m going to make a cup of chamomile tea (my SIL’s recommendation). I have clothing picked out and I know for sure that I won’t drink caffeine tomorrow. Beyond that? I’ll just get by. After tomorrow I’ll know more about how things will function and it will get better and better.


When the Cure is Worse than the Illness

Holy smokes. Well, I killed off a portion of my taste buds with Zicam. They will come back, but in the meantime, I hate eating.

One would think that was a good thing, right? I’m trying to lose weight, so yay for not wanting to eat. No. That is not true. Eating supports your body and your mind. I’ve only lost a portion, so I get some things coming through and not others. One wouldn’t think that was bad, but holy shit it sucks.

This isn’t everything I’ve lost, but the ones I’ve figured out to this point… Garlic, citrus, mint, black pepper, and some other more complex tastes. I’ve still got basics like sweet and salty, but they are gross… like too overwhelming on their own. I get a bit of umami, but again, it’s bland by itself.

It took me a few days to figure out that I’d lost the complexity to taste and seriously thought it was just me being a shitty cook. Then I thought I might actually have COVID, even though I have a negative test result, but nope… I still have my sense of smell and I do have some taste. Only very specific things were hit.

So food is boring and tastes absolutely gross. And I’ll have to wait it out for my full range of taste to come back, which absolutely sucks balls. I’m actually considering just going on to vanilla meal replacement shakes for the next couple of days until things return, because everything else is so freaking gross. Better to just slug back dietary nutrition to keep myself going instead of destroying joy in foods.

All this to say: Do NOT take the broad and interesting range of flavors available to us for granted. I, myself, will never again take garlic for granted! Stay healthy folks and watch out using Zicam for more than a brief period!


Virus Sucks

OMG. Seriously? I’m still sick and feeling worse today! I know I’m in the recovery phase of this bug, but damn I’m so freaking tired of this.

Ahhh, felt good to get that out.

I need to get my shit together and do some cleaning, but I’m tired and hungry. I want to make some things but again… see above. Argh.

That’s it. Had to wine, now back to watching tv and drinking hot tea.



Oof. What a wicked, stupid virus this is!

Between Zicam and LOTS of hot tea (the cure for most ills), I’m getting better. It’s a good thing as I start my new job a week from today and I am SO ready. My mind is ready for something new but also familiar. What a weird way to put it, right?

I needed the time I have been unemployed to get my health back and while I’m not fully there, I’m definitely doing a ton better than last summer. It’s not just my health, either. I think I had to learn a whole new way to exist. It has been a painful lesson to learn, but yeah, I’m getting there. I’ve learned to prioritize self-care and looking after my home and my kids first, then the other stuff second. It has meant watching my credit score tank, but my mental health rise. One is a manmade construct and the other is a natural part of living, so it strikes me as foolish to have let an artificial thing (symbolic of many manmade artificial systems) crush me.

Guess which I choose going forward?!

I’ve put almost two decades into public service and while I still believe in it, I’ve learned that the things I gave up for it took a toll on me. I’ll be honest that a lot of it was my own doing. I made poor decisions and tried to do my best within the system, but it was never the best place for me. Age may have made me a bit timid and fearful of risk, but I’m not cut out for the routinized life in public offices. Or maybe I was and now I’ve learned a ton of great things and I’m ready to use my more adventurous side to try something new.

It’s not all or nothing. I think working in public service was the right thing to do, given that I’m very service-oriented, and I’d like to think that more folks should do it. Maybe if more people worked in public service for a period, they would understand how much work it takes to look after our world.

Well, that’s a thought track for another day. Mostly I’m just grateful that things happened the way they did and I forced myself to take time to get stronger and healthier. I can’t believe that it took me all these years to finally stop burning myself out and take care of myself. I wrote that and brought on another coughing fit, so things aren’t all perfect yet and this virus is reminding me.

I haven’t had much time with Spicy Ginger in the last few days and boy, I miss him so much. It’s hard to be cuddly and romantic when you sound like a harbor seal with a smoking habit. I’d just like to feel good enough so that we can hang out. I’ve been feeling ultra gross and germy, which is pretty much accurate. So I’m sure he hasn’t minded my staying holed up in my place!

It must be time for another cup of tea. My throat is a bit dry and my mouth is sore. Time to close this down, get my next cup, and pick another movie to entertain myself with. I do have some reading to do, but right now I just want to cuddle my kitty and drink hot sweet tea.

Stay healthy out there.


Sick as Hell, but Doing Ok

I got the bug that took down Youngest and Spicy Ginger. It hit me hard and it came on pretty fast. I just did a home test for COVID and it was negative, so that’s the good news. The other good news? I got the job. I know. Writing it that way really seriously underestimates my feelings on the subject, but let’s say that I’m being conservative in how I talk about this thing that I sense will be huge for me.

I beat out 43 other candidates for the job, which is stunning, but also they are putting together an official offer letter, which is even more stunning for a small company. It tells me really great things about them – they are organized and they know their stuff.

I’m aggressively fighting this stupid virus as I have to be nice and healthy to start my new job. It will be part-time for the first while… an as-yet undetermined amount of time. I’ve done the financial planning for myself and I’ve got easily 9 months coverage for my rent between the last of the emergency program and my tax refund (even though it will get to me late). I’ve taken into account a hefty rent increase, too. Best to be prepared.

And even after 9 months, I have ways to ensure that my expenses are covered. Gotta be honest here: my family’s financial support is what has carried me through. I simply could not have survived this without them. And my friends? Holy shit. They have carried me in ways I could never have predicted and thank you just seems like an inadequate thing to say.

I have no idea what will happen with the new job, just like I have no idea how my weight loss will go. What I do know is that I’m going to make steady progress with both. No diving into perfectionism or letting my attention wander. I know that it’s time for me to leave old, damaging patterns behind and move into a new phase of life.

Time to relax and then do my bookkeeping reading. Oh yeah. Time to take more Zicam, too.



I have to take Youngest to the doctor today. Poor kid is sick. I hate it. I want to wave my magic wand and make him all better.

I’m waiting to hear on the job and trying to figure out how I’ll work my budget. Heard about a scary convo that our landlord had yesterday and it’s leaving me unsettled, but I need to live in the here and now, not fret over June. Not yet, at least.

So I’m in a state of limbo and it’s uncomfortable, but not end of the world. Ultimately, though, I have only so much I can do about it all. I’ll just hang out and hope for the best.

I think the most painful part is the possibility that I’ll lose our flock and living next to Spicy Ginger. He is my heart and I really hate the thought of not living close to him. I’m a mom, so extended times away from my own home are simply not possible. It’s already hard, the days that I spend a lot of time at his place, while Youngest is here, doing her own thing.

While I know I need to just wait and see what happens, the loss of seeing him each day is a painful thought. I know it doesn’t mean the end of us or anything dramatic like that, it’s the ebb and flow of our days that I don’t want to lose.

Anyway, best to not dwell on it and let it make me worry over things that may not even be an issue.

Crossing fingers for the job. Crossing fingers for the future.


Crazy Good

I’m awake early, thanks to my kitties, and decided it was time to write about this strange and exciting experience.

For anyone that has either been reading my blog for years or knows me closely, it’s known that I’ve struggled to find my place in the work world. Of all the places I’ve worked, the environmental quality state agency was the best, but that was due to all of the great people I worked with and the job itself was at best just “good”. I counted myself as happy because of that and I will always hold them in a sweet spot in my heart and mind.

This last year has been hard. The long COVID impacted me in so many ways, but perhaps the biggest difficulty I had was dealing with my inattentive ADHD in the midst of a pandemic where work supports were distant and not as immediate. That is a MASSIVE over-simplification of what I went through and when you add the final killing blow – literally a blow! – called a concussion? Well, ultimately that’s why I had to leave that job.

I had no idea how bad I was doing until the anxiety that fueled my performance at DEQ stopped and I was left with impairment, as well as a greater understanding of how much I was burning out my body trying to cope with everything. My weight was climbing, my health in general was declining, and my mental health was taking a continuous beating.

I truly believe that quitting to recover my health was the best choice I’ve made in decades. I was destroying myself and only sheer stubborn will-power had kept me going, until even that was gone.

My curiosity? Burned out. My hopes and dreams? They were still trying to break through. I would have made a kick-ass counselor. I know that all the way through to my bones. If I weren’t facing the financial mountain impasse, I think I could have survived it with assistance from the school’s disability office. Would I have burned myself out again? Hmm, yeah… probably.

As I explored the boundaries of my healthy abilities that remained during my time off work, I realized, piece by piece, that certain things are no longer on the books for me. It was bad enough that I honestly feared I was headed for disability and didn’t think I’d ever recover.

I was wrong. Actually, I was wrong in the best possible way. I told my dear friend, HH, that I thought my working full-time was done… that “ship had sailed,” and for good reason. I was having speech issues, memory and cognition issues, and I couldn’t sustain attention long enough to read. To lose reading was to lose a part of my core self-identity and it was painful.

Thankfully I was in post-concussion rehab therapy and physical therapy. I don’t think there are words to express how freaking grateful I am that I got set up with those therapies. It wasn’t just the skills and exercises I was taught. It was the care, guidance, and compassion both therapists gave me at what felt like the worst possible time in my world.

Let’s be clear, though: All the rehab therapies in the world would NOT have worked if I had still been working. I have destroyed my credit, lived on my mother’s largesse, and depended upon the public safety net (as well as the amazing help my other family members and friends have provided to me) in order to get to this point where I actually KNEW, 100%, that I was ready to return to work and that I was healed enough to do it in the right way.

Without the emergency housing assistance due to COVID, the monthly child tax credits from the feds, food stamps, and Medicaid, as well as selling my plasma and the super assistance from my credit union, I would not have made it. The odds of all of that being in place at exactly the right timing is unreal. Absent the housing support, I have no idea what would have happened. Even working just enough to pay rent would have been too much when I was at the worst of it.

Fast forward to October when I knew I was doing better, but took on the interesting part-time job doing customer service interviews. If they had been organized and I had been further down the path of healing? I might be there, working the grind and taking in the negativity of the people we had to call. I’m good at working with people but frankly, especially these days, people have no filter left with regard to common decency. In looking back on it now, I think it would have set me back.

I made the right call at the time to finish the memory and cognitive therapy first. At the time I was seriously worried that I was never going to fully recover. And maybe there is still some lingering long-term impact, but I like to think that I’m doing so much better now that it’s almost negligible. Working again will put that theory to the test.

In the interim, I started Dumpster Fire Recipes, which is slow going, but I’m more and more finding my groove in the kitchen, so I think it will translate into good writing on that blog.

I “graduated” from my post-concussion therapy, was assessed as “normal functioning” for my age (HA!!) and I crossed the finish line enough with my brain functioning that I am able to do some reading and I’m ready to work again.

That brings us to now, where my housing assistance is running out, my help from my family was enough of a boost to help Oldest as we got her on to public support, and I am applying – in earnest – for full-time work.

And poof. No responses except no’s, but I wasn’t willing to stop trying and I’m applying to all the good positions being posted in my field of grants. Cut to last week and there was this very plain Jane job posting with a private business. I’ve read that posting over and over and can’t begin to tell you why I applied for something that is part-time, relatively low paying, and in office support – which I had sworn I wouldn’t do again.

But I applied for it. Immediately Indeed bounced back this thing that the employer wanted candidates to do… record answers verbally for a skills inventory. I didn’t want to do it and so being good old me, I procrastinated but planned to do it on Friday (had applied on Wednesday). Went to breakfast with mum on Friday, then got home to a message from the owner of the business apologizing for short notice and asking to interview me for 15 minutes that day.

I enthusiastically sent back a yes and dressed the top part of myself for the video interview (which still makes me laugh my ass off when I think about my stretch pants and fuzzy socks on the bottom half of me).

It was AMAZING. Fifteen minutes can be life-changing. We had this great rapport and a very good, frank discussion about what I bring to the table, as well as what they are all about. He ended the way too brief discussion noting that I was on the short list and that at that time I was the top candidate. NO ONE DOES THAT!

I left that brief interview excited about work in a way that I had not felt for a long time. It was crystal clear to me that this small position was going to be a huge opportunity and dammit, I wanted it.

This meant I needed to be asked back for the face-to-face interview, so I waited and watched my messages, hoping. And while I was waiting, I started digging and researching into the software systems they are using. I set up the groundwork to learn in advance of any interviews we might have. When I did get the interview request, set for the Monday after our Friday first meet, I sent a solid response that yes, the time/date worked. Then I attached my graduate transcript to show exactly why my MPA is so close to an MBA, plus I indicated that I was already digging into the systems they used.

I worried, slightly, that I was going to overwhelm them by showing them how interested I am. The laws of negotiation tell us that we want to hold back showing our hand so we can get what we want, but my instincts told me that I wanted to stand out and show that I am dead serious about this.

Cut to yesterday… Monday… and the interview.

Both owners are great. I had spoken to the one on Friday, but now I got to meet them both. I was dressed professionally, thanks to the guidance of HH, so I felt good and confident. It was less of an interview and more of a great meeting of minds, like three friends meeting and talking about the business. Here is where language is failing me. I want to write about how incredible it was to meet two guys (best friends) who share my curiosity and enthusiasm for figuring out things. I put things out there to test them because being the mom of two transgender kids means safety-checking the people I will be working with, especially when it will be such a small, tight-knit team. They freaking passed with flying colors.

Dammit. I’m tearing up. The opportunity is everything I was hoping it would be AND it allows me to work part-time to begin. It allows me to be a part of building something cool and working with people that groove on the same beat, if a bit differently. They are both dads and nerds and smart and clearly caring people. Their reviews by clients are wonderful.

They are experienced businessmen who have long-term success (which is supported by the reviews going back YEARS) and they are following this dream with this more niche business, which by the way, is good timing for what is happening here in our city and area.

My friend, DM, told me to just be myself going in to the interview, so that is exactly what I did. I made sure they know who I am and what I’m about. And they accepted me.

I’m still blown away by what this opportunity is and what it could mean for me and my kids long-term.

I could be a part of something that is hard work and fun and financially changes my life over the long-term.

Yeah. All from this funny little employment ad on Indeed that I would have normally just passed by.

I can’t explain it. Serendipity? But now I have to hold on to the end of the week and hear their final decision on who they will hire. Will it be me? Frankly, I’ll be stunned if they don’t hire me, but you just never know. I’ve been this close before and had things shot down. I’m not really a betting woman, but if I were in a game right now, I’d go all-in that they will hire me.

And damn. I’m ready to do this.


Hope and Patience

I had the big interview today, only it was not quite that. It was more like 3 friends getting together to have a super discussion about possibility and the future. I don’t know anyway to describe it except that. It will start out small and it will be filled with huge growth potential.

Not gonna soften this: I will be completely stunned if they don’t hire me. I know what I bring to the table and I know that our needs mesh really well.

I’ll know by the end of the week. Here’s hoping for a happy outcome!
