so far I love the early shift…

Tired as hell, but getting off work at 2:30 in the afternoon is sweet.  I’m getting errands done that normally get pushed off because I can’t do diddly during the day.  And I’ve got some quiet time on my own before the household gets energized with the return of the boys.  I’m refusing to take a nap, but I’ll tell you… it’s really hard.  My body keeps telling me there’s a comfy bed down the hall and wouldn’t it feel nice to lay down my head for an hour or so??

Need to study for the final on Saturday and wait on a possible phone call back from Headstart.  Doesn’t look promising on the latter, however.  I understand they are swamped but I really need to talk to them.  The other person who took over as volunteer with the Mie Mie family is moving and Heather needs the help.  So I’m trying to do my best.  At least I’ve stuck in there with our weekends.  I wish I could do more.  Sigh.  Thinking about getting a lottery ticket this weekend.  Wouldn’t it be nice??

Work is “interesting.”  As in that old Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting times.”  I always feel like I’m right on the edge of getting in trouble there.  It’s a discomfitting feeling.  New guy made a good comment today.  He said he always gets the feeling that our researcher is grumpy.  I second that thought.  N.G. is nice.  I hope he picks things up quickly…  that place can be a bit merciless sometimes.

I’m trying to be positive and upbeat around him.  No need to feed him my frustrations.  He’ll develop his own.

But no one talked to him, explicitly, about power surges/lags or network drops and how that can impact data.  He’s been there 3 weeks now.  Someone should have stepped up!  Wait.  I think he’s been there 3 weeks.  I can’t remember now.  It’s all blending into a mash.  I’ll have to check myself on that one.

Crap.  My brain is going to mush.

Maybe I need that nap after all.


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