Lost April and May is Blech

End of March we got hit with an illness because Youngest went to TreeFort and brought home some kind of heinous virus. Housemate got hit with strep in early April, so Mum took him to urgent care, where she caught a second respiratory virus while sitting in the waiting room.

Both Bug A and Bug B went through our household like wildfire and cost me pay, cost Oldest pay, and has Mum down for literally weeks.

I managed to give Bug B to Spicy Ginger and that means he is sick on his birthday, which is today. I haven’t seen him f2f in over two weeks.

I am cranky and I’m on my second round of antibiotics because Bug B is a sonofabitch and it morphed into a really shitty bacterial sinus infection. The headache and fatigue are enough to make me insane, but the endless phlegm and nausea are enough to make me fly the white flag. I’m in week 3 and finally went to urgent care (yes, THAT ONE) and they put me on Amox Clav. Good times.

The list of things I, personally, have been doing to fight this crud is LONG and I am so tired of the whole thing. Work is dragging because I have no energy and my ability to think is severly compromised. I will fully admit to some retail therapy tonight. My clothing situation is a bit sad, so I have used birthday funds and some of my settlement funds to get myself fresh clothing. So perhaps getting rid of the bug and new duds will help me feel like less of a slug.

We’re STILL not settled into the new home, but holy smokes it is wonderful. Yes, there are things that need to be done and housework and yardwork, but it’s most definitely our home. The cats are happier, the humans are happier, and I’m thinking that the chickens are good with the change in management. All told, it’s positive in so many ways. We really just need to get our shit in gear – post illness, that is – and get things put away.

This weekend, come hell or high water, I am working on potting plants for the front and back yards. I will put things away in my room and get cleaning done. I will not, hopefully, sleep the whole weekend like last weekend when I couldn’t keep my eyes open to watch tv.

Mum seems happier and I think getting things cleaned up will help even more. She’s gradually getting into a groove here, although she is still stuck in the sick-cycle, so we’ll know better when we get that knocked out and eradicated from the house. What I do know is she’s doing better than she was at her old home and that is meaningful.

Oldest seems to be gradually making steps in a positive direction, too. Youngest is floundering with end of semester school work, but I think that’s somewhat on her and I’m supportive but letting her own it. Oldest’s BFF is a great housemate and I think he’s finding his footing here, too. There is a lot of work to be done in setting up our support systems for staying on top of housework and division of labor, but that will get smoothed out when Mum and I aren’t dealing with this crud. I suppose a lot depends on getting our health back, but right now I can’t let that drag me down.

I miss Spicy Ginger. Even before the huge descent into illness, I was struggling a bit with the new situation. I love being here at our home and SG doesn’t come here to hang out – of course, how can he, when it has been germ central for the last 1.5 months? But he has never wanted to be in my space and always wants to be in his own space. That was fine when I lived next door – mostly – and fine when we were crammed into Mum’s old home, but now we’re here and I love our home. I want him to come here!

I will also admit that I’m very comfortable because I’m with my family. I’m not lonely. No, it’s not the same, but I like my quiet times with my kitty and my little room with so much potential. I want to putter when I’m not feeling like leftovers that have been in the sun for a week.

I also really want to get the sewing machine set up and start creating again. I can feel the itch to create eating at me and I’ve been batting it aside because I am just trying to survive until I feel better. I hesitate to write this next bit, but want to be honest… I’m also feeling the urge to paint. I don’t know how long it has been – decades, maybe? I’ll push it out into the limewash for the brick on the house and the planting pots that I’m going to spray paint and the fence that I’m going to cover in dark stain, but I don’t think it will be enough.

I wonder if the reason the itch to create is back might have to do with the reduced stress of our new home? I love our space and the room to set up storage properly. I love that we each have our own room and great functioning bathrooms (it’s the little things, right?). I love the frustrating kitchen with the cupboards that are almost a pain in the ass, but not quite. I love the dining room space where the table and chairs fits perfectly.

I love this funky late 70s neighborhood, with no HOA, and lots of character. ALL of us are looking forward to the various holidays here, most especially Halloween and Christmas.

I’m not saying things are perfect. Of course not. But there’s so much to love about it. I love it in the way that I love my job – I have been waiting for a safe place to live where the external worries are less and the fit is almost Goldilocks-like.

Speaking of my job – it is still my super happy fit. I am so glad I am there. I am so glad I work with the people that are on our team. I am proud of the culture and the work our company does. We do good work.

It has been over a year and I still love it.

So if I can just get healthy and get work done – both in job and home – I would really like that. And I’d like to see my Spicy Ginger again, thanks much.

Beyond that? Well, I’m just glad to be where I am, with my family, in a safe place where I think we can thrive finally. I’m glad I’m in this little room next to my Mum’s room, where I can keep my “mom radar monitoring system” on alert for her. (By the way, this tickles her no end. She laughs at me about it.)

And now, I think I’ll crash. It’s late and I have work in the morning. Wish me luck as my body fights this crud. I could use it.


Moving Sucks

It’s probably universally understood that moving sucks but moving while I have NO time off? It’s way more sucky.

I’m tired. I’m stressed. I have sore teeth and I’ve been having nightmares for the first time in years. I scared Spicy Ginger a couple nights ago when I hollered. Argh.

But… and this is important… the move is happening and we’re going to settle in nicely and all three generations will do well there. I can’t ask for much more. Each one of us needs this for several reasons, but what matters most is I’ll be able to take better care of both the Elder and the Youngers.

And maybe I’ll find some joy in the mix for myself, right? I know that’s just as important as the rest of it. Good grief… it really IS important. I need to eat better, exercise, and laugh a lot.

Work is good, but oh my gosh, I am tired.

I just need to keep my shit together and then there will be a time when we can take our time and get things unpacked.

Ok, I’d write more but my brain is basically a large room with a bunch of ping pong balls bouncing around, so I can’t focus to write more. Seriously, though? Wish us luck.


Ahh, The Tension

My teeth are tight and sore. Yep, tension is hitting.

We have so much to do and so little time, but even if we had more time it would still be stressful. We just have to get through the next couple of weeks, then life will be just that much more mellow.

So I won’t be writing much until we get through this big transition and that’s best. I have a lot to do and I can’t begin to sort out how to prioritize anything. It’s all important and time-critical.

Crossing fingers I have hair left after this whole thing.


Head Spinning and So Tired – Big News

A week ago Sunday, the 21st I think it was, Mum and I had the serious talk that this place is too small and in need of too much repair. I did a search on Redfin for 5 bed/2 bath under $500K and one house came up. We contacted Redfin to arrange to see it, connected and got in to tour at 3:30pm on that following Tuesday, the 23rd. It was Mum, Youngest, and me touring it and it was just what we needed.

We couldn’t offer until we got things figured out on how we’d sell mum’s existing home and how much of those proceeds could go to downpayment on new home. Our buyer’s agent and her partner, the selling agent, toured existing home on Friday afternoon, just after mum had been notified that her dear little kitty was riddled with cancer and a horrible decision had to be made.

We finished the meeting with the agents and drove across town to the cat doctor and we loved on mum’s sweet little kitty and said goodbye. It was so painful to let her go, but it was the only loving thing to be done. She was just the sweetest old girl and my mum loved her so much. I had been looking forward to her and my giant kitty bonding, as they were both mellow kitties who just wanted yummies and loves. I’ll tell the rest of the story but I want anyone reading this to know that the other events around that time shouldn’t diminish the love or heartbreak mum was going through… that I was and am going through.

That evening we were hunkered down in mum’s living room, exhausted and sad, when the message came in that the investor our seller’s agent knew was wanting to see the existing house at 10am the next morning. Mum and I didn’t sleep much on Friday night – too much crying and awake time – so we did our normal Saturday breakfast really early and got back so I could meet with the agent and investor at her home.

The investor has a gentle aura, but also confident and he asked just the right questions about the home we call the “old girl”. I took BFF of Oldest to the open house to see the new house we wanted to buy and as we were just finishing up there, we got the offer on mum’s house. It was more than she was hoping for and enough to get new house, give my sis funds towards her purchase of a home when timing is right, and extra for moving costs and savings.

We asked for one change on terms, he accepted, and we’re off to the races on existing home.

In meantime, we worked with our buyer’s agent and got offer submitted on new house. Got the counter offer, accepted it, and we’re under contract on new home. 

All happened Sunday to Sunday in a one week period.

Now mum is sad about leaving the home she has had for 35 years, but she knows that age and family necessitate this move and new home is a true HOME. The family that has lived there has done a lovely job on it. It feels like home to us and it meets our needs so well, plus it comes with chickens!!

This is, of course, just the quickest, barest way to sum up what we are going through. There are a zillion small and large details we’re addressing, not the least of which is the very rapid time table on the close on the sale of mum’s home and then the close a couple weeks later on the new house. As part of the terms of our sale here, we’ll be living here rent-free for 3 weeks after close. Selling family at new home is also dealing with home sale and purchase, plus they have a baby on the way and four kids, so timing is tough for them too. We’re all working together, via our agents, to make this happen. 

I like the selling family already. They are also doing multigenerational in new living space and I love that. I know it’s a transaction, but they are leaving us a home that is just beautiful for our three generations and I am so grateful for that. I hope many blessings follow them to their new home.

It is going to be a hard, fast move and there are many emotions tied to this house for my mum, so I will be as gentle as possible with her. We will be packing and using professional movers to get us out of here in the narrow window between when we take possession of new home and are at the end of the three weeks to vacate here.

Everyone of us involved in this process is going to act with kindness, grace, and respect for the others involved.

Mum said she felt like it was a luxury and privilege for us to get a new house with 5 bedrooms and I told her that truly, it’s not because we’re moving three separate households into one home. Conservatively rent for our three households, which demographically is a cross section of renters: single mom with a kiddo, two 20-somethings starting out, and one retiree – conservatively rent for three places that could accomodate us here in our city would be $4500 per month for three separate units (estimating $1500 each). We’re going to be together with a mortgage of $2100 per month. Yes, it’s privilege that this is even an option for us, but it’s not luxury (new home was built in 1979 and is by no means luxury). It’s necessity.

This is the new norm and I believe we’ll see more and more multi-gen and combined family households because of the way rents are.

But multi-gen is also good for all of us… good for the health of the elder and the youngers and good for me, the sandwich gen in this picture. I’ll be able to take care of all of us, even if I’m not doing every bit of the care, but facilitating all of us caring for each other. It will be work but it will also continue the joy we are finding in moments shared together.

And maybe I’ll be able to start getting some sleep because damn, I sure need it.

This is just the tip of the iceberg in what is going to be a very busy and fast time, but we’re together and that’s what matters. Wish us luck. I know we’ll need luck, work, and a whole bunch of help to get through this brief but crazy time.


Still Living Out of Bags

I overdid it during the move and managed to injure my left arm and right hip, then I didn’t seek help for them in a timely manner and ended up having a shit-show of a time.

I think that provides some context for how I’m doing, although things are better with treatment. Spicy Ginger is too far away and he’s just across town. I do NOT like being separated from him. I do like being with my mum more and there have been ups and downs with it, but it is good.

Everything would be a lot better in a sound home with enough space for all of us. It’s just not in the cards, so I have to figure things out best I can with what we have. I don’t have any privacy. I don’t have space to put things away. I’m sensitive to sound and am dealing with things that I have no ability to control, plus they can’t be fixed. So here I sit just trying to roll with it and spending money so I can make things a little bit better.

I started out the year thinking I’d try to quit sugar but given the situation here, yeah, no.

So let’s do roll call…

Love my job still. This month, on the 23rd, I hit my year. I worry that I’m not doing enough and then I figure I’m doing well with what I do have and I’m glad about that. I guess I will just take work as it comes, much like the rest of my world.

I love Spicy Ginger. Not sure what I can say about us that I haven’t said a ton of times. Maybe I can add that I am surprised at how many times I feel a spike of love shoot through me and I’m a bit stunned about it. Or maybe that’s not the way to put it. I’m stunned that I still have growing feelings and I learn new things about our dynamic even after being together for 4 1/2 years.

I worry about my kids all the time. Our living situation sucks for me and Youngest as she’s in the basement apartment with her sister and I’m up here with mum and BFF to Oldest. I just don’t see her enough each day, even though she was always in her bedroom anyway. It just doesn’t feel right, so I have to do more to be present for her.

My health? Fuck. Ok, the injuries suck and I’ve had continuous sinus infections since I’ve been here, but there are other things that are better. Our household here, with all of us crammed in this little house, is a mini-village. I don’t have to worry about crazy landlord shenanigans and instead I have people that I can lean on and I can help when needed. It’s messy – like overwhelmingly messy – chaotic and this house is in sad disrepair – but we’re together. So this thing on my face that hasn’t healed in two years is disappearing. It’s a very small thing, but I think it’s symbolic of my overall health and mental state. The last few years have been so fucking stressful. One thing after another has just gone off the rails and I just couldn’t take more of that. I couldn’t take uncertainty and the feeling that things could fall apart at any moment.

It’s not perfect here and there are times when I get cranky because I can’t get away to be by myself, but this weird situation might just be what I need… for a while at least.

Tonight mum injured herself while she was getting her winter boots off. I had to get her to our chiropractor to see if he could help her and then I got her home. I’ve helped her with getting her long socks off and she’s learning that it’s ok to ask for help. On the drive there and back she was driving me a bit nuts with passenger-seat comments on my driving choices, including nattering at me to turn on the lights when they were already on. Normally it would have made me cranky with her, instead it made me laugh because she’s deaf as a post and I got to tell her to hush up because I’ve been driving for almost 40 years and can handle it. I smile as I write that because yeah, we natter at each other, but it’s with a ton of love.

I don’t know how long I get to have her in my life, right? Could be a long time because she’s so much happier with this insanely full house. I think I am too, when it comes down to it. So if this means that we have a long happy time together, I can celebrate that. And if we get less than a long time? I can be ok with that, too.

I’m going to try really hard to find the positives in this whole situation and I’ll figure things out little by little. I’ll work on my health and I’ll try to be a better parent to my kids. I don’t have any guarantees and good grief, I wish my Oldest would get a freaking job – any job!

At least we’re stably housed and we have food and we have beds to sleep in. I have a good job. I have love with a man who makes me laugh. I have my family tucked in around me and our zillion (only 7) cats with us.

So this is life as it sits tonight. I’m tired. I get to drive BFF of Oldest to work at 4:40am because mum is injured, so I suppose I should start thinking of sleep.

Here’s to family and love and mess and injuries that are stupid.


Overdue Update – Life at Mum’s

I’ll have to go back and look at when I last updated since I don’t remember what I’ve mentioned. Keeping that in mind, this may overlap a bit, I suppose.

We’re living at my mum’s place now. It has been almost 20 years since I last lived here and that was with my then-husband, our toddler (who is now 21) and our doggie, who has crossed the rainbow bridge. It was so different and the house has really aged.

It was the best decision we could make, moving back here this time. Youngest and I were in a sticky situation with too many unknowns and a whole lot of things falling apart. There are positives and negatives to our leaving our home to move in with my mum and much of it was just a lack of knowledge about what we were getting in here.

It’s not all negatives, though. I love being with my mum and getting this time with her. Time is at a premium when your parent is aging and I know all too well that this is the case. Having my “chicks” all in one place is lovely.

The struggle, then, is a lack of privacy. And a house that hasn’t aged well. And no on-site washer and dryer. I can truly live without the dishwasher, as that’s not something I need to function. But a washer and dryer? Ooof. We are struggling and that is a chief area that is a problem. Added to that is upset kitties and too many of them, even though they are split into two households (upstairs and down).

We knew going into this there would be challenges. What we weren’t prepared for was how many challenges there would be and how much that would cause us stress. Youngest and I struggle with our psychological needs due to the autism and ADHD. Chaos is not our friend and we don’t have ways to limit the chaos. There just isn’t enough space and so the chaos is a constant.

The best we can do is hold on and save up enough to try to get into our old apartment complex, as we know it’s a safe space for us. I’m just not sure how we’ll hold on until we can make that move. And it almost feels like a step backwards. I’m less concerned about that aspect at this point, though. I had hoped we’d find a way to settle in and make this work, but frankly there’s no way to settle in. We don’t have the space for it.

It means that I’m doing strict duty on keeping our sanity and that means taking the time to have one on one escapes with Youngest so she can deal with her feelings. Mine are easier, mostly because I can shrug it off. Yes, I have work and my kitty is being super needy, but I can roll with it. Youngest has less ability to fend off the stressors. She is dealing with “toddler” kitties, an awkward layout for the basement apartment, and the limited space.

So… I have to be focused and save up money once we get through the last of the costs for our move here. My preference would have been to hold on here and make the most of our time with my mum, but I can see that it’s not viable for a longer period. Spicy Ginger still can’t get financing to build his house so Youngest and I need to plan for our next phase without worrying about what may or may not happen there. I’m just grateful that our old complex is an option and it’s not completely out of reach. How sad that I’m making the best money of my life and even that means our housing options are limited.

Speaking of which – I still love my company and enjoy my job. The department I work for is fantastic and I love the team I’m on. I could not – absolutely, without reservation – be happier anywhere else. I’m truly grateful that I’ve got such a great job with a company that I feel proud to work for.

My only concern at this point is that my income will be too limited to deal with the housing market. It won’t change my staying with my company, rather it will keep me thinking about what it takes to keep tight rein on my finances. I’m fairly certain now that there will not be a small farm in Washington for me. I’m also fairly certain that I won’t ever be able to own a small property as a hedge against the uncertainties of life in a rental. It’s not that I’m being overly pessimistic, it’s just that I’m watching the patterns around me – especially as I have student loans – and I don’t see good answers coming down the road.

Surprises abound in life, of course, so I could have one (or several) happen, but based on what I’m seeing and know right now, we’re somewhat screwed. All I can do is my best. The rest will be up to luck and timing.

The really big downside that I’m experiencing is the distance from Spicy Ginger. One could say that it’s just across town, which is how I viewed it when we were in the planning and execution of this move. Reality is more complicated than that, however. It’s the way the threads of our lives are intertwined due to living next door to each other for 3 1/2 years. I can’t look out the window and see him anymore. My drive across town to see him tonight took 35 minutes in 5 pm traffic. I had to leave at 9:30 because I was tired and knew that I had to be ok to drive. On Sunday I left to come home and had to fight off tears because I simply did not want to leave my spot on his couch, curled up next to him.

I did take our proximity for granted and thought that it would be no difficulty to trundle back and forth. I was wrong.

I knew, too, that my mum’s house was in rough shape but I didn’t know how rough until I was back living here.

Still, I do love the routine we are building together. I don’t know how long I get to have her, so I’m grateful for this time. I was worried we’d get bitchy with each other. Instead, we’re laughing a lot and the humor is carrying us through some of the intense close quarters. I’m not the woman I was 10 years ago when she stayed with us after her foot surgery and I’m really not the woman I was when I was in my 20’s and living with her.

Age has mellowed me and it has taken most of her hearing. Noise-canceling headphones help me work in the great space she carved out for me in her breakfast nook and sitting in the evenings together, watching Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune, has led to us enjoying companionship. I see now, firsthand, how great she and BFF to Oldest get along. They’re an Odd Couple but they just work.

If I could ask my fairy godmother for anything right now it would be for funds to repair and remodel Mum’s house and to build Spicy Ginger’s house. I know those are not going to happen, so I’ll just do what I can to keep Youngest and I hanging on until we can do what is needed to keep us from losing it long-term. I’ll still dream of my small farm with green growing things and animals. Maybe my overwhelmed fairy godmother will find a way to help me get there eventually.

Time to shut this down. I’m tired and I’d like to have kitty cuddles before I nod off.


All Things End

Our project to build in Whatcom county has come to an end. We fought hard to make it happen, but it’s just not meant to be. And I just gave notice that Youngest and I will be out of our current rental by the end of November.

I have a lot of work to do to get this all done and I can’t afford to dilly dally.

Instead we are going to “circle the wagons” and I’m going to pack money into savings, at least I will once I pay for the move and all the repairs to both here and my mum’s place so we can live there in a reasonable manner.

I tried. I really did. Hours of phone calls, emails, planning and working on the solutions to each and every road block that came up. In the end? Well, it was more than I could make happen on my own.

What I did learn out of all of this is that I can’t depend upon other folks. I have to stand on my own two feet, which might seem funny to write when I’m actually moving in with my mum. The rental situation – both here and in Washington – is insane. If I want any chance to break free, I need to do this for at least the next 6 months to a year. If it’s miserable and Spicy Ginger does finally get his home built, then Youngest and I can look at moving in with him, but I’m not holding my breath.

Things haven’t been the same since May of this year and it’s felt like a gradual decline in both spirit and energy. I think the pressures of the world have torn us down.

All I know is that I can work on making things nicer at my mum’s house and perhaps improve her living conditions. It’s going to be chaos. It’s going to take a lot of effort and I had the very grown-up conversation with Youngest about how it’s going to take the two of us to try to keep the family doing ok.

So one chapter ends and we turn back full circle to home.

Wish us luck. We’ll need it.


From Limbo to Hell

Everything is just falling apart. Can’t do the construction loan without the permits and can’t do the permits without the lot being in our name. Landlord says no, he doesn’t have an offer yet and they aren’t even listed, but that’s not the conversation Spicy Ginger says he heard. Of course, he’s looking more notorious for not really listening to what he’s being told.

Frustrated with Spicy Ginger – I asked him if he has checked his email to find out if he has heard from the bank on his financing and he has every excuse known to man about why he hasn’t checked yet.

Can’t seem to get the financing on the lot loan and nobody wants to take action. I can’t do anything on my own, so I’m stalled out and it’s looking like the whole thing has bit the dust. I’m tired of the stress. I’m tired of the apathy and fear from everyone around me.

I looked at options that I could do on my own and the only remotely viable ones would mean I couldn’t keep all my kitties (only 3, but the limit in the mobile home parks are 2).

I’m ready to wave the white flag. Read an article today the people who rent have negative health outcomes worse that unemployment and smoking. I actually get that because my nervous system is in overload and I can’t rest.

I’m to the point where I just want someone to help me find a tiny property and I’ll build my own damned tiny home and hunker down. Fuck this whole situation. I want out. It’s a mess and it doesn’t look like I can get any traction. I did all this work – phone calls, questions, creative solutions and at every turn I’m blocked. I want to cry, but don’t have the energy. And to be clear, it’s frustration.

I don’t trust landlord at all. I think he’s a weasel. He’s self-serving and will say whatever he has to so he doesn’t look like the bad guy. Spicy Ginger is avoidant and honestly, I’d be willing to bet that his house will still not be built in 6 months. That’s completely on him and I can’t take this sense of his lack of motivation. I really don’t think he wants to leave here. I’ve thought that for a long time and nothing I’ve seen so far changes that opinion.

I think I’m going to talk to my agent and see if she’s comfortable looking in other parts of the state. If she’s not, then I’m going to reach out to someone who is a land specialist in the less expensive areas. Then I’ll contact the bank with the affordable construction loans and talk to them. I think I’ll go so far as to do the application with them and fuck this whole situation to hell.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how sometimes we have to move forward on our own and take our fate into our own hands. I would rather build my own tiny home with my own stupid hands than continue in this mess. Yes, I’m angry right now but it’s more complicated than just anger. It’s a whole range of emotions that are taking over my world. I’ve tried breathing through it. I’ve tried endless patience and prodding.

In the end I’d rather just stand on my own and move forward because this sense of being trapped is getting worse by the day.


Limbo and Uncertainty

All information on this rental situation is coming to me via Spicy Ginger and his ability to process details is sometimes… erratic. This means I’m depending upon him to take action and he seems to be all over the place. It’s leaving me with this heightened sense of anxiety because I have no real input on things as they stand.

This morning I got that massive flash of anger I get when I’m left hanging. Our landlord is notoriously unreliable and goes back on what he says. Spicy Ginger is trusting him, once again, and I can’t take it. And maybe this all goes back to my childhood and the various events that left me feeling unsafe. I feel unsafe right now. I can’t depend upon anyone except myself and my mum.

I’m ready to contact the appartment complex where we lived before I moved in here and see if they have a 2 bedroom place open next month. At least there I knew we were securely housed. I just can’t live in limbo like this. If I don’t know more by the end of the month, I’m contacting them. It means living in an anxiety state for the next few weeks, but I have to draw the line somewhere.

Fuck this situation anyway.


Rental Hell

Our landlord did what he PROMISED Spicy Ginger he wouldn’t.

He sold our property (three duplexes on a fair sized chunk of land). Our rents will be going up to $1800 per month, but we don’t know when yet. The deal isn’t finished closing. Apparently he got $4M for the place and all of the tenants here, every single one of us, got fucked.

I was just talking to Spicy Ginger about it and said that I wanted to look into how much notice the new owner will need to give us and he said that as renters we don’t have any rights and the new owners don’t have to give us notice, they can just do it. I’m not sure I completely believe that, but it wouldn’t surprise me as we live in a red state and it’s all about the mighty dollar here.

What this has made me realize is there is no freaking way I could ever do an investment property and rent it out. I’m not cut out to be an asshole like that and clearly it’s all about profit, with no regard for the lives impacted by high cost housing.

Mum said she hopes our landlord develops lice in his crotch. Then she said, oops, we’re not supposed to wish for that or it’ll come back on us. So we laughed a ton.

I haven’t had much sleep. I’m wiped out right now and I’m mad as hell. I knew this was coming. I even looked online yesterday, because my gut was telling me he had these places listed. From what I know about what happened, they didn’t even get listed. These are in a prime location and there is room to add units to the property. Everything that made this place special is about to be gone. I’m so glad our chickens have already found a new home, because this would have been absolutely heartbreaking in a completely different way if things hadn’t happened as they did.

I just reworked my budget and I could just barely squeak by at the new rate, but I’d have no ability to save or to take care of emergencies. I would be completely crushed by a huge rental payment. Spicy Ginger cannot, under any circumstances, afford the new rent. Period. So I’ve proposed that I put all of my stuff into storage and he and I and Youngest, plus all our cats, share his place. We split the costs and hang on until his house is built. It would mean Youngest sleeping on his couch for however long, which freaking sucks.

So let me say this to every asshole landlord, financial advisor (who insists that renting is smarter than owning), and all the economists looking at the “macro picture” – FUCK YOU ALL. This is about housing – which is NOT optional.

And most especially to our landlord: I hope that karma treats you justly.

Signing off – one super mad Moonfire